About the School
Mission Statement
~ Vince Vincent, Superintendent
Philosophy of The Dewey Public Schools
District Educational Goals/Objectives
Dewey Public Schools will ……
1. Develop and implement a curriculum that is rigorous, intentional and aligned to state and local standards and that utilizes available technology resources to facilitate instruction and learning.
2. Use multiple evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work.
3. Provide an instructional program that actively engages all students by using effective, varied, and research-based practices to improve student academic performance.
4. Encourage the development of personal student learning goals that are age appropriate to engage the student in some personal responsibility in their learning process.
1. Function as an effective learning community and support a climate conductive to performance excellence and encourages students to develop both short and long terms learning goals to meet academic expectations.
2. Work with families and community groups to remove barriers to learning in and effort to meet the intellectual, social, career, and developmental needs of students.
3. Provide research-based, results-driven, professional development opportunities for staff and implements performance evaluation procedures in order to improve teaching and learning.
1. Ensure that instructional decisions focus on support for teaching and learning, organizational direction, high performance expectations, creating a learning culture, and developing leadership capacity.
2. Organize to maximize the use of all available resources and facilities to support high student and staff performance.
3. Develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive school improvement plan that communicates a clear purpose, direction and action plan focused on teaching and learning.
Non-discrimination Standard
Inquiries concerning the application of this policy may be referred to:
Vince Vincent
Title IX/504/ADA Coordinator